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Gnosis is Not New Age & The Truth About The Serpent

Writer's picture: Stacy FlanaganStacy Flanagan

Updated: Mar 24, 2019

The most emotionally loaded word in the history of the Abrahamic faiths.  SATAN.  A big bad scary red man with devil horns.  Who just hates us and wants us to stray from God and spend an entirely in the firey pits of hell with him burning forever and ever and ever.  Gee, that wouldn’t scare a developing young mind now would it?  (Insert sarcasm with eye roll here).

But what exactly is Satanism in the first place?  Well, it’s not that simple.  Let’s start with the origin of the word Satan.  We all know the bible did not originate in the English language so let’s go back and translate this into prior languages.  For example Hebrew.  In Hebrew “Satan” means “enemy or adversary.”  However, in Sanskrit, it has a much different meaning.

Now, the word “Satan” goes back much, much further than the Hebrew definition.  Note in the upper northwest corner of the map of India, the name of the town “Satana.”

“Satnam” and “Sa Ta Na Ma” are sacred mantras used in kundalini (serpent) meditation. The five primal sounds in Ancient Sanskrit, one of the oldest known languages are “SA-TA-NA-MA.” “Sa” means infinity; Ta means life; Na means death; and Ma means rebirth. All variations of the name “SATAN” mean TRUTH in Sanskrit, which is one of the world’s oldest and most ancient of languages.

Notice the infinity symbol? Symbolizing eternal consciousness.  Turn it over on its side and it’s the number 8.  In spiritual numerology, the number 8 signifies the great Karmic equalizer, a force that just as easily creates as it destroys.

All of this has to do with the kundalini life force (the serpent) within us.

Anyone familiar with Chinese medicine and advanced martial arts is aware of the chi (the life force, same as the kundalini) and how it is more active in certain pathways in the body on certain days and hours.

So wait a minute, is Satan the serpent?  Depends on what religion or set of beliefs you have.  Since this esoteric knowledge was previously not allowed to be known by the masses it became forbidden and labeled as something “evil” in Judeo-Christian religions.  Seems like the TRUTH (satan in Sanskrit) about the serpent became the adversary enemy (satan in Hebrew) of our worldly controllers.  

So Satan is the good guy?  Not necessarily true either.  That’s where this gets tricky.  We have to get out of the mindset of binary thinking in polarities.  Good and evil are human constructs.  What you believe to be evil may differ from what I think is evil and vice versa.  

So do Satanists worship “Good” or “Evil.”  Again, not so simple.  There’s not just one big united group of Satanists with the same beliefs.  Satanism is complex. Satanism is a diverse set of beliefs and practices that focus on the central figure of Satan. Some Satanists worship Satan, while others do not. Some have a spiritual way of life, while other Satanists are materialist and atheist and use Satan as a source of inspiration. Some approach it as a religion and others understand Satanism as a philosophy.

“The Church of Satan was founded on April 30, 1966 c.e. by Anton Szandor LaVey, we are the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man’s true nature—that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos that is indifferent to our existence. To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth—people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body. He represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as Evil by those who worship external deities, who feel there is a war between their minds and emotions.”
-Corvis Nocturnum, Spokesperson and Reverand for The Church of Satan

Now if you’re thinking of Satanic Ritual Abuse, oddly enough those who partake in that dark stuff are mainly Luciferians, which is a whole other blog post.  Also, with the Masonic/Jesuit/Zionist groups controlling religion, you don’t know if the next door neighbor who proclaims to be a Christian is really putting on a front and partaking in the “dark.”  Nothing is as it seems.

Serpent Symbolism Related to The Divine Feminine Mysteries

This is why we find the mysterious symbol of the serpent in the garden with Adam and Eve in the scriptures under the book of Genesis. The meaning of the name Adam is red man, and the name Eve (Evia) in Hebrew signifies a female serpent. 

Sexuality, which is the primary aspect of the life force, automatically came under intense scrutiny by the church. The creative energy needed to produce another human life can be used to revamp one's life force which advances and empowers one's soul. Obviously sexual activity could not be prohibited, so fear was used to place it under strict regulation. Intercourse was only to produce children and nothing more. Nakedness became a sin because it led to lust. Anything that had to do with the raising of the kundalini was severely attacked by the church.

The kundalini serpent lies coiled at the base of the spine. Through meditation, the fiery serpent ascends. This is what is known as "Raising the Devil." There are 33 vertebrae in the in the human spinal column. We often hear the term "33rd degree Mason" or that Jesus lived 33 years. The kundalini serpent ascends the 33 vertebrae of the spine. The serpent is the symbol of the kundalini. The "Tree of Knowledge" is really the map of the human soul. It is seen in nearly every ancient religion pre-dating Judeo/Christianity. The trunk symbolizes the spine, and the branches symbolize the chakras and the kundalini pathways. There are 144,000 nadis (channels for the kundalini life force) within the human soul.

The 144000 petals of the main chakra or coronal (located to the summit of the cranium) represent the 144000 rays of light originated from all the seven chakras, or centers of energy of the body, deployed and balanced, or again the 144000 vibrations of the divine Creation which travel in the cosmos and that are source of life. When we add the number of petals of the five inferior psychic centers, we obtain a total of 48 petals. By adding 96 petals of the frontal center (the place of the third eye where the small number must receive its divine mark), we obtain the number 144, symbol of the perfect and expressed spiritual work, that is to say of the marriage between the soul and the personality.

"Be wise as serpents—and harmless as doves."
Matthew 10:16

The Budda sat beneath the "Bo Tree" and achieved enlightenment. "Bo means serpent, as in Bo-A or Boo-Ta.

The Kundalini Shakti energy field in Hinduism is represented as a serpent, a feminine power that rises upwards to the crown chakra to meet Shiva, the masculine. The merging is the Sacred Marriage in alchemy.

The authors of alchemy texts in those days put their writings in codes in order to escape persecution by the church.

The tribe of Judah was assigned to the Zodiac house of LEO, the Lion. ... One of the sub-constellation of Leo is Hydra the Sea Serpent. There is also a 13th Zodiac Sign-Serpentarius. Ophiuchus (The Serpent Bearer)

Trees of Life and Knowledge are customarily identified with serpents. Indeed, the insignia of many of today’s medical associations is precisely this image of a serpent coiled around the Plant of Birth (Tree of Life) – a depiction shown in the clay reliefs of ancient Sumer.

"As long as humanity kept records of its existence, serpents were used as emblems of the intelligence of God. In ancient times and as widespread and diverse as Australia, China, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Babylonia, Sumeria, Egypt, India, and Central America, serpents were feared and worshipped as gods for thousands of years...To this day, serpents or dragons signify divine heritage and royalty in many Asian countries, while in the West the serpent represents wisdom and knowledge…Among nearly all ancient peoples the serpent was accepted as the ultimate symbol of wisdom or salvation"
- Tony Bushby (Secret in the Bible)

2000 years ago the patriarchs of the Christian Church forced the feminine sacred energies underground, however all this sacred knowledge was preserved and is being brought back into the consciousness of humanity as we speak during this spectacular cosmic cycle we are in at this time. The biblical "end times" is nothing more than the end of an astrological cycle. The end of the age of Pisces. Beginning the Age of Aquarius aka The Age of Enlightenment as Christ Consciousness returns to Earth.

This spiritual knowledge (gnosis) isn't new. If anything should be dubbed "New Age" it should be the judeo-christian religions.

The New Age Movement

As with every other spiritual or religious movement, the dark infiltrates this one too. What is ancient esoteric knowledge is being labeled by modern day Christianity as “New Age.”  Pastors and preachers of today will claim the entire “New Age Movement” is “Satanic.”  Therefore should you come across some esoteric or metaphysical information you will throw out the baby with the bathwater, dismissing it all.

I do not agree with everything so-called “New Agers” teach.  I tend to think it’s a tad bit too far on the naive side.  Instead of the message of FEAR everything coming from the Abrahamic faiths, it’s the extreme polar opposite. The New Agers claim all entities that are non-human are benevolent, here to help us, and that you should ignore anything fear-based or “negative.”

If you’ve ever read anything by Carl Sagan, or you have dug into the Nag Hammadi scriptures about the archons, you already know about the “false light beings” that like to present themselves as benevolent angels to humanity.  In limited 3d consciousness, the frequency of visible light that humans can detect is very limited.  Which allows non-human entities to manipulate us easily without our awareness.

My whole point of this post was to open some eyes and draw some polarized energies to the forefront and create balance.  Don’t let the religious earth beliefs prevent you from thinking on your own and going with your own research and instincts.  At the same time don’t get sucked into the only “love and light” naivety of the new age movement either.  I rely on meditation and connection with my higher self, my I AM Presence to guide me and provide me with discernment to be able to swim through this sea of confusion.  This is why I do not like labels.  I get the question a lot of what I “believe” or call myself.

Are you a Christian, Atheist, New Ager, what are you?  I just answer, “I’m interested in knowledge.  Which is gnosis.  If you are making me pick a label I’d call myself a gnostic.  Seeker of gnosis.  I only wish to find truth through knowledge, wherever it leads me.”

To stop learning is to stop growing.


The original edit of this article, written by Stacy Flanagan, was originally published at


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