Sound Unlocks The Secret of Life
The brain has a telepathic receiver and transmitter that uses sound waves. In fact, thoughts are simply scalar sound waves that most people cannot see but are very real. Hence “Tele”pathy, “ Tele”visions, and “Tele”phones. Sound is the secret of life.
Ever wondered why people chant “OM” when meditating? Have you ever wondered why it’s easier to remember the beat of a song than the actual lyrics? Why we start tapping our foot on the floor when we hear a familiar tune? Or how a certain song can bring forth a certain memory of time or someone special? How can that song cause tears to flow?
Frequency alone creates geometry through scientific research called Cymatics. So the question becomes which frequencies create perfect geometry? Which Frequencies create structure and pattern? Today’s musical standard of A=440Hz. In the Cymatic image created by a A=440 Hz frequency pumped through water, There is almost no geometry at all!
Our bodies are almost completely comprised of water and we are also listening to music improperly tuned to A=440 Hz daily on our Iphones, TV, Stereo’s, headphones, Etc., A frequency proved to not create structure, unity, or geometry in the physical realm! Now, look at the structure created by a A=432 Hz frequency, The frequency of Light.

To simplify things, basically, numbers are vibrations. The sacred geometry of creation. Everything is energy (including you) and all energy vibrates and emits a certain frequency. It would make sense then that sound is the secret of life. Just because you may not be able to "hear" a certain frequency does not mean it's not there.
I have compiled a list of some of my favorite sound healings below. Before trying any of these be sure to do it in a relaxed state. This is not music to listen to while driving. The more relaxed and focused you are the better the experience will be. For the binaural beats sound healings use headphones.
528 Hz Frequency of Love & Miracles
432 Hz - Deep Healing Music for The Body & Soul - DNA Repair, Relaxation Music
432 Hz - Deep Healing Music for The Body & Soul - DNA Repair, Relaxation Music
741 Hz - Get Rid of All the Toxins and Negativity - Soothing Solfeggio Frequency Music
33 Hz - Gamma Binaural Beats - Christ Consciousness Frequency (Not For Beginners)
A Remedy for Depression & Anxiety Isochronic Binaural Beat Session
Aura Cleansing Sleep Meditation: 7 Chakras Cleansing Meditation Music
Remove Mental Blockages & Subconscious Negativity- Dissolve Negative Patterns - Binaural Beats
​All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies : Deepest Healing Positive Energy - Raise Positive Vibrations
​Super Intelligence: Improve Memory and Concentration, Focus Music, Concentration Music
963 Hz - Pineal Gland/3rd Eye Activation
Before trying to activate third eye chakra please read this article.