What a whirlwind couple of weeks it has been in the war on Pharma. The New York Hasidic Jewish Community targeted for not vaccinating in the midst of a measles outbreak (no one has died) and banned from public places until they get everyone 18 & under the MMR vaccine (which was overturned by a judge). Then Mayor Bill De Blasio issuing the mandatory vaccination order citing a measles outbreak as an "emergency" requiring even adults to get the vaccine or pay a fine (which will more than likely get overturned as well). Then we have SB276 in California where our favorite pharma stooge Doctor turned Senator Richard Pan trying to take away medical exemptions from the patient doctor relationship and put it under the control of the government.
BUT..............The biggest push the Anti-Vaxx movement has seen to date has just happened in the state of Texas. GOD BLESS TEXAS! Finally someone has come to their senses in this crazy bought off government in America. There is light at the end of the tunnel folks!
Effective September 1, 2019 Texas wants to ban vaccines until they have been proven safe!! Meaning no heath care provider will be allowed to administer a vaccine until it has been tested against a placebo, it’s been evaluated for causing cancer, autism, potential autoimmune, neurological or other chronic illnesses, mutating genes and affecting fertility. Also, how it affects the body when combined with other vaccines, the rate of injury and death, and all possible side effects.
A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the prohibited administration of certain vaccinations. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 161, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 161.0045 to read as follows: Sec. 161.0045. ADMINISTRATION OF CERTAIN VACCINES PROHIBITED. A health care provider may administer a vaccine only if: (1) the study relied on by the United States Food and Drug Administration for approval of the vaccine evaluated the safety of the vaccine against a control group that received: (A) a placebo; or (B) another vaccine or other substance approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration based on a study that evaluated the safety of that vaccine or substance against a control group that received a placebo for that study; (2) the study relied on by the United States Food and Drug Administration for approval of the vaccine evaluated the safety of the vaccine for a sufficient time to identify potential autoimmune, neurological, or chronic health conditions that may arise on or after the first anniversary of the date the vaccine is administered; (3) the vaccine has been evaluated for the vaccine's potential to: (A) cause cancer; (B) mutate genes; (C) affect fertility or cause infertility; and (D) cause autism spectrum disorder; (4) the department has posted on the department's Internet website a disclosure of any known injuries or diseases caused by the vaccine and the rate at which the injuries or diseases have occurred; and (5) the chemical, pharmacological, therapeutic, and adverse effects of the vaccine and the rate of injury of the vaccine when administered with other vaccines have been studied and verified.
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.
Looks like Texas is going to set precedent. Let the domino effect begin. Pharma is going down!