The Ancient Mayan Calendar is a system of calendars used by the ancient Maya civilization in pre-Colombian America.
The Mayan calendar details the existence of various ‘cycles,’ so it describes the sacred calendar (tzolkin or bucxok, with a 260-day count), the solar cycle (Haab, composed of 365 days).
The Tzolkin calendar was combined with the Solar Cycle, or solar year forming the synchronized cycle lasting for 52 Haab’, called the Calendar Round. In fact, it’s still being used in some communities in the Guatemalan highlands.
The ancient Maya also had developed a calendar used to track longer periods of time, and for the tracking of calendar dates. This calendar is the so-called the Long Count, and it registers days, according to experts, from a mythological starting point.
The starting point for the long count is usually by vast majority of Maya scholars as August 11, 3114 BCE in the proleptic Gregorian calendar or September 6, in the Julian calendar.
In other words, the Maya Calendar is a treasure trove of time cycles which happens to share various details with calendars used by more ancient Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Zapotec and Olmec but it also shares similarities with contemporary or later ones such as the Mixtec and Aztec calendars.
Now, when we thought we had it all figured out, and that the Maya calendar wouldn’t ever be mentioned in conspiracy theories—like the end of the world December 12, 2012—a self-titled ‘multidimensional’ archaeologist believes he may have unlocked the secrets of time travel, after having studied the codes embedded in the enigmatic Mayan Calendar.
After studying the Mayan Tzolkin calendar, Timothy Alan believes he has cracked all its mysteries. He presented his work on YouTube, in hopes that the world would pay attention to his findings.
Speaking about his ‘startling find,’ Alan said:
“Hey there, collective consciousness of this planet called Earth. “I just wanted to share with you my work over the last five years in as quick a time as possible. I found this hidden code in the Mayan calendar that unlocks what you can see here – a vortex-quantumatics like a quantum agreement for a spiritual technology. It’s a multidimensional language. “I found it hidden in the Mayan calendar.”
But it’s not just another conspiracy theory according to Alan. His work and discoveries are supposedly real and have been allegedly verified by a Guatemalan Mayan elder as a “legitimate code found within the Mayan calendar. According to reports, Alan unlocked ancient code’s in the form of a quantum encoded light fractal of consciousness, that contains the multi-dimensional multi-verse together.
“The Mayan calendar was invented to map the evolution of human consciousness. It is the key to understanding the truth of being human – if there is some left,” explained Mr. Alan. “All this calendar stuff keeps on coming. It’s like the Da Vinci code – some sort of cosmic Da Vinci code that opened.”
The Mayan calendar is based on different time periods characterized by different spiritual qualities and when we go from one of these periods to another, a shift in consciousness takes place. Up until the year 2011 the Long Count wave consisted of thirteen so-called baktuns (time periods of 144,000 days or 394.3 common years), which shifted between seven peaks (or days) and six valleys (or nights).
“Of all the unexamined assumptions and criteria upon which we base and gauge our daily lives as human beings on planet Earth, by far the greatest and most profoundly unquestioned is the instrument and institution known as the Gregorian Calendar.” Jose Arguelles “Thirteen Moons in Motion”
The 13-month, 28-day alternative has been in use on this planet for more than 6000 years. In prehistoric India and China, and throughout South America it was the standard time-keeping system. The Essenes, Egyptians, Polynesians, Maya, Inca, Lakota, and Cherokee used a 13-month, 28-day calendar. The Celtic knowledge of the Druids is based on the Tree Calendar, also a 13-month, 28-day calendar. Today many cultures are still using their traditional 13-month calendar system.

What the priests of the Catholic Church thought they had buried through an auto-da-fe in 1562, and overcome with the imposition of the Julian-Gregorian calendar over the conquered Maya, returned with the precision of prophetic timing in 1987. The publication of The Mayan Factor not only opened the door on a new look at the Maya, but also on an understanding of time that was anything but chronological.
A new dimension of time appeared – radial, fractal time, the synchronic order. And behind the reassessment of the nature of time was the provocative call of Mayan prophecy – the end of the thirteen baktun long count, 2012.
The Mayan civilization revered both the Pleiades and Venus. They knew that during the dawning of this new cycle these celestial bodies would play an important role. They serve in re-balancing our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. Thus, it allows us to integrate the higher frequencies of light.
DNA, the ancient cabalistic “Tree Of Life” portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording. Many modern scientists, regard DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration, able to be modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses.
The lost knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a “Language of Light”. Known to the ancients as HIBIRU. It is the primal seed language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle. Modern research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system.
The discoveries emerging from Egypt, describe the existence of a worldwide pyramid temple system in prehistory, mounted like antennae on the key energy meridians, which were employed by ancient priest-scientists as a musical system to stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet… cataclysmic geology at it’s finest.
Human evolution may proceed more rapidly than previously thought. The evidence now appearing, records civilizations before us, who mastered the physical continuum and progressed beyond this world.
This article, written by Stacy Flanagan, was originally published at https://www.dtss.us/blog/hidden-science-and-history-links-time-to-sound-and-light-the-secrets-of-the-mayan-calendar/