There has been a lot of recent scientific research that the human heart has it’s own consciousness, like a second brain. “Living from the heart” is one of those phrases used in self-help circles that borders on cliché. However, there’s been a hidden esoteric meaning behind that we just didn’t understand in our limited third-dimensional realm of consciousness.
Living from your heart space means listening to your feelings and understanding what they are telling you. An inner knowing. Like a psychic ability within all of humanity. We’ve gone so far off the spiritual path and been so badly brainwashed this ancient knowledge has not been publicized to the masses, until now.

“The heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center that enables it to learn, remember, and make independent functional decisions,” HeartMath Institute Director of Research Rollin McCraty wrote in the paper, The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Communication Within and Between People.
Scientists at the HeartMath Institute like McCraty have been conducting research over nearly two decades that has shed light on what researchers now characterize as the energetic heart.
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Power of the Heart’s Electromagnetic Field
The heart, like the brain, generates a powerful electromagnetic field, McCraty explains in The Energetic Heart. “The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The electrical field as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG).”
HeartMath studies show this powerful electromagnetic field can be detected and measured several feet away from a person’s body and between two individuals in close proximity.
In the HeartMath study, The Electricity of Touch: Detection and Measurement of Cardiac Energy Exchange Between People, researchers set out to determine whether the heart’s electromagnetic field, as measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG), in one individual could be detected and measured in another person when the pair either were seated within about three feet of each other or held hands.
The heart’s magnetic field is more than 5,000 times stronger than the same magnetic field generated by the brain. In other words, when you feel really happy, then this emotion creates a presence that can be detected by other people several feet away from you!
One of yoga’s biggest secrets and often-dismissed jewels by the uninitiated is how to live from the heart. The sarcophagus in the center of the Great Pyramid is tuned to the frequency of the human heartbeat.

“Remember the emphasis on the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, suddenly you become centered.” ~ Osho
The heart is the first organ to function when we are in utero. It is another, important intelligence center, the brain notwithstanding, of the human organism.
“I agree with the fact that the heart is more than a pump,” said Dr. Ronald Freudenberger, chief of cardiology at Lehigh Valley Health Network. “The heart has many functions that we are probably not aware of. We are finding new attributes of the heart. New roles for the heart.”
How To Live From The Heart
Meditate. Focus on your heart’s energy. Are your thoughts and emotions beneficial to you or the greater good of humanity? If not, it’s not from the heart. Humanity is all connected to earth’s magnetic field. An interconnected spiritual and scientific connection that seems to have been lost for eons. As the cosmic wave of consciousness is transforming the earth, more and more people will awaken and remember some of this lost information. Like a “knowing.” Although they might not understand yet how they know it.
It’s time to stop living in this fear based society and start choosing love and living from the heart. It will transform the human race and the planet for the better.
Here are 20 affirmations to raise the vibration of your Heart Chakra:
I am fully open to giving love. I am fully open to receiving love. I forgive instantly, completely and unconditionally. I forgive myself. I forgive others. I love myself unconditionally. I love others unconditionally. My heart chakra is empowered by love. My heart is balanced in giving and receiving love. My open heart chakra is powerful. Love is my guiding truth. I am fulfilling my heart’s desire. I choose joy. I am grateful for all of my blessings. I am creating loving and supporting relationships. It is safe for me to be in a loving relationship. I have unconditional compassion for myself. I have unconditional compassion for others. My heart is free from past hurts. I give and receive love, forgiveness and compassion to myself and others effortlessly and unconditionally. My heart is filled with joy and gratitude.