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Losing My Religion

Writer's picture: Stacy FlanaganStacy Flanagan

Updated: Apr 7, 2019

I’ve been wanting to write about this topic for a long time. Since I’ve been “woke” I do not view religion the same at all. This is a touchy subject that easily offends believers and causes people to lash out and dismiss what I am saying. The political correctness has made this such a taboo topic it’s hard to get the point across without causing a stir.

So, before I go any further I want to make it clear that all of this is coming from a place of love, not judgment. I made a promise to myself that I will be my authentic self 100% of the time no matter what, for the rest of my life.

Growing up I was not forced into any religion. No one made me go to church. My family is semi-religious but nothing was ever forced. I grew up in the Midwest in an area of predominantly Christian conservatives out in the country. I may criticize Christian ideology a lot in connection with American supremacism, but I’ll tell ya what, if you were driving through my hometown and got a flat, those same Christian conservatives wouldn’t hesitate to stop and help you. Then they’d probably feed you too.

There is a big difference between criticizing an ideology or belief system vs. criticizing an entire group of people based on their religion (unless you are in a sadistic cult doing heinous things-then I will break that rule). Same with race or political ideologies. I’m actually trying to tear down those divide-and-conquer walls that separate us instead of unifying us.

When you start to look at the state of our world and the human race today, it’s not hard to notice something is very wrong. The world has fallen into the control of what I will just refer to as dark forces. The New World Order aka the Illuminati agenda. Whatever you want to call it. It’s pretty obvious that America has completely lost control of the federal government and the tyranny is massive.

We’re being manipulated into total destruction. Our world is being destroyed and by manipulation and lack of knowledge, we are active participants in this insanity. It seems during times of great struggles people tend to blame things on outside forces. Religious doctrine has done a good job of making a character named Satan the scapegoat for all the problems in the world. Or it’s God’s wrath because we’ve been bad little kiddies and need to be punished.

I’m not going to deny that religions have brought people great comfort in tough times in life. I’ve witnessed many church communities really come together in times of need for people. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the pastor who married my husband and I. Who just so happened to be the officiant of my mother in law’s and my uncle’s funerals as well. Even my non-religious husband enjoyed the chats we had with him during our pre-marital counseling.

Some of my fondest childhood memories include vacation bible school, church camp, youth group trips. Great friendships made. I loved the little one-room church we went to. It was small and everyone knew everyone and their grandparents. I will always hold those memories fondly in my heart.

What I can no longer do though, is deny the profound role religious division plays in geopolitical wars. The divide-and-conquer control of humanity. You always need an “enemy” to keep people fearful and manipulate them into submission. I don’t think any decision should be made based on the fear of God and his wrath. It tends to make otherwise rational people throw all logic out the window.

Just look at what happened to the Salem witches. It was not too long ago that right here in America good people were manipulated into supporting the murder of innocent people for not following the accepted religion at the time. For simply being holistic healers they were literally put on trial and killed on accusations alone. Sadly I have crossed paths with numerous fundamentalists in today’s world who would probably support another witch hunt today.

Although I made great friends and had fond memories related to church growing up I also struggled immensely with guilt and shame. I always believed Jesus was a real person that walked the earth, but I struggled with believing the stories about the resurrection and the second coming. My rational, detective-like brain could just not make sense of it.

Yet you’re told so many times you “just have to believe” and never question God’s plan. In the middle of the word believe there is a lie. Facts and beliefs are not one in the same. Why I wondered? Why can’t I question him? If he’s all knowing and all powerful why can’t he come down and tell me all of this face to face? I just couldn’t get around those thoughts, so I had this guilt that I was a bad Christian or a half-assed one.

Why did I have to confess with my mouth that I believed these things and get dipped in water to avoid burning in a firey pit of hell for all eternity? How is that a loving God? If I’m so flawed wouldn’t that be God’s fault for creating me with flaws? If so, why do I have to shame myself for being human and learning lessons by experiencing life? Isn’t that what life should be about? Lessons?

I don’t really like the fact religion teaches that any other religion but yours is wrong and you should feel sorry for those who don’t share your religious beliefs like they are “poor lost souls.” I remember the first time I knew of an atheist growing up. Although I questioned certain details of God and religion, I was way too fearful of hell at the time and thought atheists were just so crazy to chance that.

I felt sorry for them. I would like to apologize to all atheists out there. I now feel what you have felt. Speaking about these things I get lot of not so nice messages and religious folks now saying the same thing to me. Feeling sorry for me. I’m constantly told they’ll pray I find my way. I guess you could call that karma. Now I know how it feels to be in others’ shoes. Lesson learned!

A few years ago I had a spiritual awakening. I took the red pill and went down the rabbit hole. It’s been a crazy ride. It made me question my very existence and everything I had believed to be truth. It stripped me of my ego and opened my eyes to a world I didn’t even know, yet had lived in for 33 years (at that point).

One of the most profound truths that brought me to the position that religion is holding us back and destroying us was the truth about 9/11 and the war or terror. The harsh truth that so many innocent muslims have been murdered in our names. This so called Christian nation slaughtered innocent children.

Destroyed numerous nations while creating more racial and religious intolerance. I can no longer ignore my role in that. My tax dollars were used for genocide under the guise of protecting my freedoms. I am not ok with that and you shouldn’t be either. I would bet that Jesus would not be on board with any of that.

After much soul searching I realized that one of the biggest reasons one would subscribe to religious doctrine is the fear of death. I remember as a kid if I even thought about for one second what it would be like if someone close to me died it would send me into a panicking frenzy. So I figured if there really is an afterlife I definitely want to do what I can to get there and avoid the “pit of hell.” Now I see how damaging that was to my psyche as a child.

After much research, including reading the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, the OT, emerald tablets, the torah, studied the sumerian tablets. I literally read everything I could get my hands on in relation to the origin of all religions. What I discovered not only shocked me but also fascinated me.

I think when you approach people about rethinking religion and the bible they automatically assume you are saying to throw it all out.

That it’s all made up lies. That’s not what i’m saying at all. There’s so many gems hidden within. When you do enough research and comparisons with other languages and religious scriptures there’s some amazing discoveries hidden within.

I think we have the right to know the truth about it all. We are owed at least that much. Or we may have already known these truths but forgot and are starting to remember and wake up to the truth about our world, the human race, and life itself. Scientists have already presented research to the UN that consciousness survives physical death.

That everything is energy, including us, and you can’t kill energy. Which means death is really an illusion. The truth is actually stored within the human DNA blueprint. Which is referred to as the 12 gates of heaven in the bible. 97% Of our DNA has up to this point labeled “junk” by scientists, told it had no use.

That makes no sense whatsoever. No way we’d have DNA that had no use. Why would we have only 3% of our DNA even connected? There’s something or someone who caused that to happen and the powers that be do not want us to know. It’s no secret that all throughout history there’s been instances of burning books to control the flow of information which inadvertently controls the mind and belief system of the masses.

The victors always write history to fit their narrative. So, if these same powers that be tell us Jesus is going to come back and save us did anyone stop to think maybe that is a setup? A lie to get us to be docile and apathetic so we don’t rise up and take back our planet from these psychopathic parasites? Seems to me the savior complex is doom. We have to start really thinking about that doctrine and the implications of it.

All you have to do is read the old testament to see there’s some very twisted things in there. We are told it’s holy to pretend to drink the blood and eat the flesh of Jesus. Did anyone stop to think that it’s actually mock cannibalism? A simulation of a human sacrifice? I don’t know how you could keep excusing things away and justifying this clearly twisted doctrine.

I do not want my daughter to see images of Jesus bleeding to death on a cross and tell her he did that to save her. I just can’t do it and I will not apologize for it. I will stand in my truth and continue to try to push humanity forward in consciousness until I take my last breath. I just hope people can take this in with an open mind and understand I’m coming from a place of pure love. I want humanity to know who they really are and what they are capable of.

P.S. You are divine!


© 2018 by Gnostic Aquarian

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