The Egyptian government promotes an age-old concept that three Egyptian pharaohs were responsible for constructing the pyramids at Giza. Others, including Graham Hancock, believe that the pyramids were constructed far earlier, and by totally different builders – likely an alien race.
The Russian Academy of Scientists has hosted numerous experiments to find out the true nature of the pyramid. Among their findings are some mind-blowing discoveries:
Agricultural seeds placed within a pyramid had increased yields of 30-100% after only being within the pyramid’s energetic field for 3 to 5 days.
In areas where earthquakes were considered potentially devastating, one large earthquake was turned into many smaller tremors, all due to the presence of a pyramid.
Oil from an area in Southern Russia called Bashkiria turned 30 percent less viscose (lighter), which means it was easier to extract and oil well yields increased. This was confirmed by the Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.
Wounds healed faster in the presence of a pyramid.
Leukocytes in the blood were increased.
The immune system in numerous biological organisms was greatly improved.
Newborns given solutions made from charged pyramid energy experienced greater health.
Over 5000 inmates subjected to an experiment in Russian prisons were less violent, and overcame decades’ long drug and alcohol addictions. The only change was that salt and pepper which had previously been inside a pyramid was added to their food.
Pyramids were able to decrease the strength of viruses and bacteria.
Ordinary water did not freeze even at 40 degrees below zero and was able to retain its perfect structure for years.
Synthesized diamonds turn out harder and purer.
The higher the pyramid was built, the more increased these and other positive phenomenon occurred.

Huge Number of Pyramids Worldwide
There are hundreds of pyramids already discovered around the planet:
- in Egypt there are about 110 discovered, and studies suggest that many more are still buried beneath the desert sand;
- in Caral, Peru (South America). According to the officials, the Caral-Supe pyramids were built roughly at the same time as the Great Pyramids of Egypt;
- in Mesoamerica, there are hundreds scattered throughout today's Mexico;
- in China, there are as many as 300 pyramids, many of which are partially or almost completely covered with earth and vegetation;
- in the Philippines we have the so-called "chocolate hills" -- 1,776 strange pyramidal hills. There are voices suggesting that these may also be earth-covered pyramids.
- in Europe we have the pyramidal complex of Visoko, Bosnia, which was thought to be a small mountain until recently. The ongoing excavations at Visoko will probably unearth the biggest pyramid on Earth.
- in Italy, buried pyramids have recently been discovered.

David Wilcock Groundbreaking New Physics Surrounding Pyramids
David Wilcock has re-analyzed the Bosnian Pyramids and other ancient monuments. His new physics theory of how they were built by 'altering' matter is presented here.
There are anomalous and healthful benefits from pyramids, said Wilcock, noting they have been associated with reducing radioactivity, and in Russia, where a pyramid was built, the arid land around the structure became more verdant, including the growth of ferns that were thought to be extinct.
Pyramids' effects are connected to gravity, which is pushing down from the sky, he explained. "Gravity is a river of energy flowing into the Earth...and that energy can then be harnessed by building a funnel-like shape," causing gravity's fluid energy to swirl and create a vortex current, he continued. As to the mystery of how some of the great pyramidal structures were built, Wilcock theorized that a frequency and vibration technology was used to alter the stone blocks' molecular structure, so they would become softer and lighter to move.
There are also studies suggesting that a pyramid is simply a conductor of life energy or photons, thought to be the primal building block of everything in the Universe. A pyramid can restore contaminated water, clean chemtrails out of the air, and has even caused extinct flowers and ferns to regrow in an area that was formerly covered with only prairie grasses. (Gaia.com) Meditators who spend time inside a pyramid are said to have a profound activation of their pineal glands.
Here's some sound therapy for you. Pyramid frequency 144 hz
This article was originally published at https://www.dtss.us/blog/more-pyramid-revelations-a-must-read/