The study of sacred geometry was passed down over thousands of years from the ancient mystery schools. The most common geometries considered sacred are the Egyptian Flower of Life, the Hebrew Vesica Piscis and the Italian Borromean Rings (also known as the Holy Trinity). Of course, there are a great many more, such as the Kaballah, the Seed of Life, the Platonic Solids, the Fruit of Life, and so on.
Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology. This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal of the human condition. These geometries are sacred because they are the patterns by which creation manifests, from stars to trees, these patterns are found throughout all of reality. One of the ways that are easiest to see is simply by looking at nature.
The Golden Mean
We call it the Fibonacci spiral, the Golden ratio, phi ratio, the Golden mean, and other titles, but what is this geometric phenomenon? Why is it significant, and why does it continually manifest in so many iterations throughout the universe?
Whether we are familiar with the equation or the graphical representation, the Golden mean seems to be expressed in the countless context in nature—both on our planet and beyond. At the same time, this ratio seems to be etched into our human psyche at the foundational level.
The Pentagram Has No Evil Origin
The pentagram – or pentacle is considered both divine and magical by many cultures because if you draw a pentagram, the lines automatically divide themselves into segments according to the Divine Proportion. The ratios of the line segments in a pentacle all equal PHI making this symbol the ultimate expression of the Divine Proportion. For this reason the five-pointed star has always been the symbol of beauty and perfection associated with the Goddess and the sacred feminine.
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Roman architect (c. 25 B.C.), remarked on a similarity between the human body and a perfect building:
“Nature has designed the human body so that its members are duly proportioned to the frame as a whole.”
He inscribed the human body into a circle and a square, the two figures considered images of perfection. Nature, when left alone is perfection. Mother Nature is literally our cosmic mother.
The word ‘geometry’ can be traced through its component parts: The word ‘Geo-metry‘ comes from the Greek words Geos meaning ‘Earth’ and Metron meaning ‘To measure‘, which together literally translate as the ‘Measuring of the earth’ or ‘Earthly measurements’, an art which was traditionally restricted to the priest-hood once the sacred feminine was suppressed.
The foundation of all Life and all Creation is this geometric language in nature, which modern science is using to tap the powers of Nature in modern technology. All modern technology is based on the twin variables of SHAPE and MATERIAL; different shapes create different energetic effects, just as different materials offer a full spectrum of different useful energy qualities.
The practical energy science used in the ancient spiritual traditions could create life-giving effects in a way described today as “magic” or “miraculous”; however, to paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke, ‘Magic is what we call any science we do not understand.’ This science was based on the knowledge of precise geometric energy blueprints within and behind all things, and the energy functions of these patterns.
Vibrational Medicine Using Sacred Geometry
Reuters News Service distributed internationally an article on Dr. Karim’s BioGeometry, including interviews with Egyptians who had experienced stunning transformations in their personal health. In one case they reported that:
“A 24-year old engineering student with a low platelet count had some reservations about the healing power of shapes. But having undergone a $25,000 course of treatment in the United States and having had his spleen removed to no avail, he decided to try Karim’s method. ‘When I met Ibrahim he put a ring on my finger with a design print on it, then he gave me a medallion. At first I thought it was strange, but after all I’d been through I was prepared to give it a go,’ he said. Overnight his platelet count went up to 35,000, and in four more days it soared to 250,000, he said.”
There is also a lot of research that suggests ancient temples aligned on the 33rd parallel were healing centers. They used this cosmic energy source to harness high-frequency vibrations that communicate with the electromagnetic field of the human body. The knowledge of which has been hidden from the human population for thousands of years. Only taught in secret mystery schools. Edgar Cayce, who was known as the sleeping prophet for his incredible intuitive abilities once predicted:
“Sound will be the medicine of the future.”
This knowledge when applied will bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry. Which most of you know has been a dream of mine. The fragile state of human health has been engineered by this tyrannical industry.
The Roman Catholic Church forced this knowledge underground during the inquisition. No matter how long it takes the truth will always come to light. We are on the verge of a planetary and dimensional transformation not seen on Earth for thousands and thousands of years.
Here’s a little sound healing for ya (listen with headphones):