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Shielding EMFs Found to Reduce 90% of Symptoms in People with Autoimmune Disease

Writer's picture: Stacy FlanaganStacy Flanagan

Revolutionary research has shown that hindering exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90 percent of patients with autoimmune disease. This provides proof that radiation poses innumerable health risks to humans.

A recent study that was published in the peer-reviewed journal Immunologic Research titled “Electrosmog and Autoimmune Disease” enlightens people regarding the validity of concerns regarding this so-called electrosmog.

We encounter electromagnetic radiation on a daily basis in the form of radiation from outer space, the aurora borealis, and thunderstorms. However, most electromagnetic radiation is man-made. Unfortunately, these forms of radiation are also higher in radio frequencies, especially now with the advent of television, cellular phones, and WiFi, all of which use microwave frequency bands.

“The recent release of WiGig and anti-collision vehicle radars in the 60 gigahertz (GHz) region embody a 1,000-fold increase in frequency, and photon energy, over the exposures mankind experienced up until the 1950s,” said researchers Marshall and Heil in 2017.

It is understandable that electrosmog would influence human biology, since human physiology operates in part via electromagnetic fields.

Aside from physical information superhighways such as the nervous and lymphatic systems, and the blood, the body utilizes electromagnetic forms of energy transmission and communication which are infinitely faster than chemical diffusion.

Both our consciousness and the functioning of our cellular systems are largely dependent upon electromagnetism, which may be susceptible to distortion by electrosmog.

According to research, repetitive exposures result in health risks of electrosmog, as “current evidence indicates that chronic exposure to electromagnetic radiation, at levels that are found in the environment, may particularly affect the immune, nervous, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems”.

Aside from this, the function of lysozyme, another human protein, is hampered by electromagnetic radiation.

Lysozyme is an antimicrobial enzyme liberated by cytoplasmic granules of immune cells such as granulocytes and macrophages. Lysozyme, which is found in human secretions such as tears, breast milk, mucus, and saliva, gets rid of glycosidic bonds in peptidoglycan, a molecule found in the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria.

Animal studies show that lysozyme is essential in host pulmonary defense as “increased concentration of lysozyme deficiency resulted in the airspaces of transgenic mice enhanced bacterial killing whereas lysozyme deficiency resulted in increased bacterial burden and morbidity.”

Also, vitamin D receptor (VDR) pathways can be affected by electrosmog. “Groups of hundreds of atoms which form the helical backbone of the VDR… shift together at the lower frequencies present in electrosmog.”

How you can protect yourself and your family:

1. Orgone pyramids are devices known for their ability to convert negative energy into positive energy and balance the spiritual, emotional and physical body. Think of an orgone pyramid as a filter for toxic energy in the atmosphere (like positive ions from EMFs). It reverses the negative ELF radio waves emitted by your Cell Phone, TV, Microwave, Computer etc

2. The EMF SHIELD is a corrective, harmonizing resonance technology designed to assist the body with counter-balancing these bad/negative vibes from computers, phones, microwaves, monitors, Wi-Fi, electric circuits, power lines, cell towers and more. Just place the shield as to the source and it may assist with protecting you, and your family.


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