Conspiracy Theorist – This term is so overused that it really is devoid of any practical meaning. If you were to examine it at face value, though, it describes a person who is looking to understand injustices in our world and is willing to look at uncomfortable facts in search of negative influence… of which there is plenty in our world today.
However, ‘conspiracy theorist’ has literally become a derogatory term that is attributed to anyone who refuses to accept mainstream narratives at face value. It doesn’t matter that there is overwhelming evidence to indicate that mainstream media does not value objectivity or report on important issues thoroughly or truthfully.
Now we find this term applied as a prefix to well-known journalists and media personalities, almost as we use the term Doctor. It’s an adjective that precedes them everywhere so that before you even know what issue is being discussed, you know that the issue is coming from someone considered to be fringe and unacceptable.
Alt – We see the label ‘alt’ being applied more and more frequently as an adjective for sentiments that supposedly do not fit in with the accepted status quo. Ideas outside of the box.
Alt-Media. Alt-Right. Alt-Left. Alt-News. Alt-Health. And so on.
The signal here is that the mainstream is the safe space, and that any segment of ideas or thought given this prefix is outside of that mainstream, and therefore not something ordinary people would want to associate with. It takes complex ideas and sensitive issues and benches them, so that when the hive mind stumbles upon something ‘alt’ they immediately react with fear, disdain and feigned outrage.
There is no ‘alt’ in our world. We are one, and any faction of ideas is really just a spinoff of the shared reality we all live in. If segments of this shared space are off-limits and labeled as so, we all lose.
Hate Speech – This term is one of the all-time favorites of politicians and tyrants. After all, what could more dangerous than hate?
Newsflash: Hate speech is not the same thing as a hate crime. Speech is just that, speech. It is literally vibrating air moving through space, and unless we’re talking about and LRAD crowd control cannon, sound really can’t cause people physical harm.
It is fascinating to watch how people use this term so freely as if speech itself can be criminal. American society is founded on the idea of freedom of speech and self-expression, which at its core is the recognition that as human beings we do not and never will all see the world in the same way. It is an acknowledgment of the fact that different people have different ideas about how the world is and should be. That these differences shouldn’t be used as a basis for discrimination.
The term hate speech is one of the most loaded terms in the political social engineering. Human consciousness is the target in a broad war of control where people will conform to social conditions which clearly fail to serve their best interests, even doing them harm.
We accept the status quo of warfare, fear, environmental destruction, greed, corruption, poisoned health, and false scarcity because we’ve been herded into traps which hold us hostage with false beliefs and the appearance of comfort. In reality, though, breaking through these traps would allow us to apply the principles of peace, sustainability, exploration, acceptance and progress to improving the human condition.
“There’s five essential boxes for human consciousness, there’s five things that shut human consciousness down. Five models that attempt to keep people rigidly inside of their walls. And if you’re inside these boxes, you’re not going to expand your awareness to understand the actual truth of what’s going on in our world.” ~Mark Passio
1. Politics
“If anybody identifies with left or right, conservative Republican, liberal Democrat, etc…” ~Mark Passio
The self-identification with a particular political party is one of the most divisive states of consciousness there is in our world today. This is clearly evident in the quality and character of public discourse and how it merges with financial interests to create stress, pressure and conflict at every level of society.
2. Religion
The major cultural religions of the world are perhaps the greatest trap for human consciousness ever devised and put to use as a means of controlling people. This has been corrupting the world and killing people for thousands of years. The acceptance of the possibility of a better existence after death is an excuse to ignore the quality of life one is living in this existence and is used as an excuse to participate in wickedness.
We, of course, see how this paradigm is being used against us today to create a major riff among the people of the earth as global leaders push for a new religious war pitting Islam against Christianity. No one can win if this battle is allowed to escalate.
3. Scientism
“Not what I call real science, but what I call ultra rigid skepticism in the form of quote/unquote science, that’s peddled for modern science in today’s world.” ~Mark Passio
Science has become a religion of sorts, where ideas are vetted in a strange process of study mixed with peer review, mixed with corporate and monetary influence, mixed with egos. In this paradigm, there is no room for ideas which challenge long-held assumptions and theories about the world, stifling human progress.
“Science places itself on a pedestal and assures everyone it has dispassionately arrived at its conclusions. Meanwhile, however, it is full of assumptions, denials and limitations, and makes the serious mistake of presenting its theories as facts. The errors of mainstream science are gladly seized upon by technocrats, eager to use science and technology to further their own ambitions of control… ~Makia Freeman
4. The New Age Movement
Another box for human consciousness which is relatively new in our world is the New Age Movement, which abandons genuine science in favor of feel good platitudes which keep people sidelined from taking action and fully participating in our world.
5. The Monetary System – The General Belief in Money
This is the greatest trap of all, enslaving nearly everyone on our planet. At the root of this deception is the general belief in money, that is, in the belief that money has more value than life itself and is therefore more precious than anything life has to offer. Because of this, countless schemes, scams, fiat systems, debt-enslavement programs, frauds, and thefts are able to syphon the energy and time of human beings, leading us nowhere but to our own ruin.
“It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled — such is the nature of confirmation bias and other psychological tools of manipulation. Breaking free of the ancient, historical ‘constant’ of mind control is an ongoing process of waking up out of a state of denial. Spiritual emergence and awakening involves a physiological break from the consensus social agreements of our planetary cultures.” ~Karlos Kukuburra
This article, written by Stacy Flangan, was originally published at https://www.dtss.us/blog/terms-tricks-being-used-to-stop-critical-thinking-limit-human-consciousness/