One topic I have yet to cover on this blog is the twin flame and soulmate theories. I have had a lot of people ask me lately what I thought about this so I figured I'd put my two sense on this in a blog post.
That being said, I am no "guru" and not claiming what I believe in regards to this topic is the absolute truth and everyone else is wrong. You're smart enough to use discernment and figure it out yourself and I'm not one to place myself in any kind of "guru" or "life coach" categories that feed the ego. I also am no relationship expert and would never claim to be (those of you who know me personally clearly know this).
It doesn't matter where you are on your individual spiritual journey, at some point the topic of twin flames and soul mates will present itself in your reality. It's inevitable.
I have to have some kind of scientific understanding of things before my brain will even entertain the idea of something to be real. This is the reason I always had a hard time with religion. I couldn't make sense of it and everyone I would ask would tell me not to question God's plan.
So with everything else I approach the idea of twin flames and soulmates from a scientific-metaphysical stand point. The one and only absolute truth I can tell people is that everything is energy. It's as simple as that.
We are clearly on the verge of a planetary transformation. Hidden truths revealed. Reality not what it seems. I recently published a blog about consciousness surviving physical death. Which scientists are starting to prove. So I'm not going to rule out the reality of twin flames and soulmates because by that one simple truth, the game changes. BIGTIME! The impossible will start to seem possible.
Most of the gnostic spiritual teachings about soulmates and twin flames differentiate between the two with these definitions:
Soulmates: different souls that we encounter on our path that are cut from the same “energetic cloth” as us and are sent to help awaken and challenge us so we can become the best versions of ourselves.
Twin Flames: when our own “energetic cloth” grows so big with love that our energy splits into two. This other half becomes our Twin Flame. This often occurs over many, many lifetimes.
Essentially, Soulmate relationships help us to raise our own consciousness, whereas Twin Flame relationships have the effect of raising the consciousness for the entire planet. Soulmates can be relatives, friends or lovers. Often the purpose of the Soulmate relationship is to help you both grow and evolve into your fullest potential.
When Twin Flames come together, it is often to achieve something on an energetic level to help expand the consciousness of the planet. Usually when Twin Flames unite, there is a strong desire for them both to create something together that is going to help raise the consciousness of the planet.
With Twin Flame relationships, the magnetic pull is always going to be there on a strong level. With Soulmates, the magnetic pull may change in strength depending on where you are both at in your evolution.
Often soulmate relationships are experienced on a mind, body and soul level, whereas Twin Flame relationships are experienced on a mind, body, soul and celestial/Universal level.
From an energetic standpoint when a twin flame thinks of the other, it often results in a vice versa situation. You get strong emotions that seem to relate to your twin flame, but they don’t feel like your own emotions and make no sense at that moment. You are experiencing their feelings as they think about you.
Supposedly, the most surefire sign of twin flame reunion is the appearance of the twin flame number 1111. This number can appear anywhere – on clocks, your phone, billboards, channel numbers, absolutely anything!
It’s said that the story of Adam and Eve is the original twin flame connection.

In Egyptian lore it’s the tale of Osiris and Isis—and only a God being able to marry a Goddess. Together, these two ruled Egypt until the jealousy of Osiris’s brother Seth became so vicious that he killed his brother by nailing him in a coffin and throwing it in the river. Isis knew before being told that Osiris’s spirit had left this earth. She set off to find his body so that she could give him a proper burial, ensuring his soul could ascend to Amenti.
Even in death their spirits were connected.
In Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms and four legs, but Zeus, fearing their power, split them in half, sentencing them to spend the rest of their lives searching for their other half. Whether we believe in the concept of finding our other half or not, the theory of being split in half is a belief that reinforces the twin flame union.
It is said that twin flames are destined to come, not just for their own evolution, but for that of the planet. Some say many twin flames are part of the 144,000 light workers that came to earth to raise the vibration of the world and to assist us in raising our overall consciousness.
We have a difficult time believing in something that we can’t use logic to define. While we may not know why two people fall for one another, we can, in many ways, explain the emotions of love. It is all about ENERGY!
At the end of the day, what the hell do I know? I'm still trying to figure this all out for myself.