Yes you read that correctly. If this is the first time reading my blog, be sure to check out the Sound Healings tab above for a good understanding of how sound is the secret of life. With this lost ancient knowledge (gnosis) we can heal ourselves and repair our DNA. The best part about it is that it's FREE and all you need is headphones.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Nikola Tesla
See Related: Is The Placebo Effect a Hidden Human Superpower
It's important to remember that everything is energy, including your thoughts. So if you are going into this with the attitude that it's crazy and probably won't work the desired effects could lessen. The mind is a powerful thing and our thoughts manifest into our physical reality.
As always, I don't suggest listening to ANY sound healings or meditations while driving.
The best time to do this is in a relaxed state. I often listen to this and doze off, but the sound healing is still doing it's job even when you are asleep while listening. Just use headphones.